It’s been a few months since I recapped some Tired Hands brews, and these notes have just been piling up, so I figure it’s time to pull that trigger and share the wealth with you all… Of course, most of this stuff will probably never see the light of day again, but some of the big ones will probably be brewed again…
Tortoise – 6.7% ABV Brett Amber Ale – Dark amber brown, funky nose. Funk is reminiscent of the Darwin Solera series, some earthiness and even a touch of salinity. Stronger malt backbone makes this a little more complex than the Darwin series, which is nice. Good stuff! B+
Perfect Hole in One – 6.5% ABV IPA – Counter programming because the PGA tour was in town… A typically great IPA, huge citrus & pine notes, very Simcoe, really nice. A-
Guillemot – 8.5% ABV Dense & Dark Oak Aged Saison – This is sorta the base beer for Guillemot Nebula (and Prunus). Dark, slightly sour, nice balance with a creamy malt backbone. Really smooth and creamy, with a slight acidic kick in the finish. Strong beer, maybe not quite as great as Nebula was, but still a worthy A-
Cassie – 6% ABV Motueka Farmhouse IPA – A delicious mash up of the saison and IPA styles, really well matched hop to saison ratio, better than their singel hop saison Motueka (and most of the others in the singel hop series)… Delicious and quaffable. I really loved this beer. A

5 out of 5 – 10% ABV Imperial Stout brewed with cacao, peanut butter, marshmallow, PA maple syrup, vanilla beans, and One Village Coffee espresso beans. They gave a concise tasting note at the brewpub: “Notes of everything in the description” Big roasted malt notes in the nose, with all that wacky stuff showing up more in the taste. Definitely a stout, but lots of other stuff going on… Super complex, really weird, but really well done. Not even a hint of booze. Not quaffable or anything, but not a monster either. Some folks don’t like Tired Hands’ stouts, but I actually really enjoyed this. A-
Sunbather IPA – 5.8% ABV honey Meyer lemon hibiscus IPA – Wow, very pretty orange amber color, not your typical tired hands pale (which is cloudy straw yellow). Lots of floral hop notes (or maybe that’s the hibiscus?) and lots of citrus (again, both from hops and other ingredients). Tasty stuff, really nice. A-
Due to an equipment malfunction TH lost a batch of DIPA and to fill the taps, they dipped into their cellars supply of aged, Brett dosed saisons:
Tavna – 6.6% ABV blended Brett saison – Solid beer with Tired Hands’ trademark Brett character, salty, spicy. Great nose. Solid taste, not super quaffable, but good stuff. B+
Whalagos – 7.5% ABV Well aged blended saison – Similar to Tavna, but with more of a smooth, creamy mouthfeel, really nice. Mouthfeel definitely puts this one ahead of Tavna… A-
Singel Hop Saison Pacifica – 5% ABV – Usual cloudy straw yellow, bubbly white head. Nose hits with a sorta green hop character, reminiscent of the Pacific Jade version, and the taste bears that out. Grassy, a little earth, and typical peppery saison goodness. B+
Sleep – 7.6% ABV chamomile saison – Cloudy golden orange color with a finger of creamy head. Seems to have that trademark Tired Hands salty funk going on, but it works well. B+
We Are 138 – 7.6% ABV India Black Ale, brewed with pineapple – Black color, tan head, very nice nose, that pineapple coming through and matching well with those citrus & pine hops. No roast in the nose, but it comes out a bit in the taste, which is still very hop forward. Nice balance though, and very tasty. Overall, really great, delicious beer. A-

We Are All Infinite Energy Vibrating At The Same Frequency – 6.2% IPA – Mostly clear golden color, amazing juicy citrus hop nose, tastes fantastic. Top tier IPA! A
Mr.Alien – 4% ABV Berliner Weiss – Nice refreshing beer, just a bit on the tart side, really easy drinking, decent stuff… B+

… (Ellipsis) – 7.6% ABV red hued Brett dubbel – Nice amberish color, that Tired Hands Brett in the nose, but hot damn does it match well with the base beer. Nice spicy Belgian yeast, with those dark fruit flavors, and that almost salty funk character tying it all together. I originally pegged this as an A-, but had another glass on a subsequent visit and it totally warrants an upgrade. Really superb stuff. A

Phantom With Three Different Colored Eyes – 8% ABV citrus IPA – Whoa! Nice citrusy pine hop nose, but the taste and mouthfeel are absurdly great. It’s got an almost creamy texture, with a great balance of sweetness from the malt and bitterness from the hops, and that juicy citrus holding it all together. Just superb! A
Penelope – 6.4% Farmhouse IPA – Typical cloudy light yellow color, nice Tired Hands funk in the nose along with some citrus hop aromas. Taste has that Tired Hands funk too, a little Belgian yeast spice, and some hops. Crisp, smoove, very easy drinking. B+
Kickphone iFlip – 5.5% ABV Citra & Amarillo IPA – A great light IPA, typical Tired Hands profile, beautiful citrus hop character, off the charts drinkable. A-
Pleasant – 5.8% ABV hoppy black ale, Simcoe single hopped – Nice looking beer, black with light brown head, but I’m not getting as much Simcoe out of this as I was hoping for. Still a nice beer, and if I didn’t just have some superb TH stuff, this might get rated better. B
HappyHands – 5.2% ABV heirloom tomato Berliner Weiss – Well, yeah, that tomato actually comes through. Nice sharp acidic bite to this one. I’m not a big tomato person, so this isn’t my favorite, but it’s obviously well crafted. B
The Rest of Your Life – 6.4% ABV classic modern saison – A really nice saison, not quite funky, though its got that farmhouse feel. Typical Tired Hands stuff here, which is to say that it’s great, if a bit straightforward. B+
Safe & Sound – 4.5% ABV crushable IPA – Pours a surprisingly dark color, murky brown (maybe some amber highlights), nice malt and hop combo, maybe some rye or oats going on here, surprisingly full bodied for such a small beer… I don’t know that I would have ever pegged this as an IPA, but it’s still pretty good for whatever style it is… B+
Singel Hop Saison Citra – 5% ABV – I’m surprised that Citra is not quite as potent as some of the others in this singel hop series, but this is still pretty damn good! A-
And that takes us up to stuff that was just tapped yesterday. See you in a few months with more Tired Hands goodness. Or maybe sooner if they have another quick bottle release…