I have eaten this brain, and I want to chat about it.

This is an interesting parody of Amazon.com aimed towards Zombies who would like to choose from a wide array of brains to eat “because some brains are just naturally better, juicier, and formerly smarter than others.” Some people have too much time on their hands. Now, if you’ll excuse me, Oprah’s brain just arrived in the mail. Mmmm, celebrity brain… ahhhgglaaaahhhggg…

Bert is Evil!

Hold on to your crackpipes, kiddies, its time for a piece of classic web trash: Bert is Evil!. One of the funniest things I have ever seen on the web.

All that is gold does not glitter…

Ok, so RedRival is still in the process of “upgrading”, but I’m going to start posting stuff anyway.

Salon recently ran an interesting article about the new “Lord of the Rings” Trilogy that is presently in production. I am currently reading The Fellowship of the Ring, which is the first book of the trilogy. When I first heard that Peter Jackson would be directing, I was a bit suprised. This is such a high profile film that I would have expected a “safer” director to be chosen. While Jackson is best known for his mainstream work (The Frighteners and Heavenly Creatures, neither of which did blockbuster business), he was also known as a bit of a B-film maker, with some real disgusting movies under his belt (Meet the Feebles, Bad Taste).

Also suprising is that all three films are being filmed at the same time. Generally, the first film is made and released, and, if it does well, the next two are put into production (the scream trilogy and the matrix trilogy are two recent examples). To have all three put into production at once, without a proven box office draw, is unprecidented.

Cinematic Atrocities

It wasn’t too long ago when I witnessed the atrocity that is “Wild Wild West”. Quite possibly one of the worst movies I have ever seen; I actually contemplated writing a review for it, but I found that I was less motivated than a neutered dog when it came time to actually research it. But now I’ve found the ultimate reference for bad movies (“Ripping Hollywood the New Ass it Deserves”), and they’ve actually wasted their time to review all the bad movies so that you don’t have to watch them, including the Wild Wild Worst movie I have ever seen. Mighty selfless of them, I must say.

Was Ist Ist

Why, oh why, are they making a sequel to The Blair Witch Project. Can’t they just accept that they did something original and exciting, and leave it at that? No, oh no, they have to beat the idea to death. I suppose the sequel could be good, but I’m really doubting it. Oh well, was ist ist.

BTW, I put up a review of Red Dragon. Comments and questions are always welcome.