
Rebel Yell

Kaedrin has just been given the “Rebel Rebel Yell” award, complete with spiffy graphic on the right (ack! its gone!). The award comes from Michman’s Rebel Rebel Star Wars Fansite. For quite some time now, Michman has woven an interstellar tapestry of adventure, romance and a few guffaws for generations of Star Wars Role-Playing Gamers. Check it out, I’m also being interviewed by Michman for inclusion in his Tie Interviewer section (Sneak Peak).

More things people do while stuck in traffic (Contributed by Spencer via the infamous Kaedrin Discussion Forum) :

  • Picking their teeth
  • Cleaning out ear wax
  • Picking nose
  • Balancing checkbook
  • Getting dressed

Poles Apart

Rinkworks’ Reader Polls is a treasure trove of interesting and sometimes funny polls. A Sampling:

Which of the following words is the most intrinsically funny?

What do you believe concerning time travel?

Have you ever been on the Internet?

I am definitely interested in doing regular polls here at Kaedrin, but I have yet to find a good free service to use… Speaking of polls, go check out 4degreez.com’s Famous People Recognition Survey. Its probably one of the best polls I’ve ever seen. Four chose an extremely diverse group of famous people and historical figures, ranging from well known to highly obscure. Only about 150 people have taken the poll, but some of the results are astounding (for instance, 7 people did not know who Jesus was!?!).


I started my job today. Blah. It was orientation today. My real work starts tomorrow. Blah.

I finished Red Dragon, by Thomas Harris the other day (eventually I’ll put up a review in Kaedrin Books). I liked it, but I don’t think its as good as everyone says. I would rather watch Silence of the Lambs again. I’m now reading The Soul of a New Machine by Tracy Kidder. It doesn’t keep you on the edge of your seet, but it is a fascinating look at how the computer industry used to be (it traces the creation of a new computer that was to compete with the VAX – this is circa 1979 folks, so things are a little different now). No wonder computers and their software are so bloated today.

X – Men grossed over 50 million dollars last weekend (#2 for the summer behind MI2). Sure enough, a sequel is in the works (and a third is also rumored). I’m happy for them. And worried that the sequels’ll suck.

This was before I used to have titles

Woo Hoo! Welcome to the the official Kaedrin Weblog, maintained by his royal highness, tallman. His sovereign court includes the topics of Movies, Web Design, and Books amongst other various subjects. Many updates coming soon!