

David Wong’s article on the coming video game crash seems to have inspired Steven Den Beste, who agrees with Wong that there will be a gaming crash and also thinks that the same problems affect other forms of entertainment. The crux of the problem appears to be novelty. Part of the problem appears to be evolutionary as well. As humans, we are conditioned for certain things, and it seems that two of our insticts are conflicting.

The first instinct is the human tendency to rely on induction. Correlation does not imply causation, but most of the time, we act like it does. We develop a complex set of heuristics and guidelines that we have extrapolated from past experiences. We do so because circumstances require us to make all sorts of decisions without posessing the knowledge or understanding necessary to provide a correct answer. Induction allows us to to operate in situations which we do not uderstand. Psychologist B. F. Skinner famously explored and exploited this trait in his experiments. Den Beste notes this in his post:

What you do is to reward the animal (usually by giving it a small amount of food) for progressively behaving in ways which is closer to what you want. The reason Skinner studied it was because he (correctly) thought he was empirically studying the way that higher thought in animals worked. Basically, they’re wired to believe that “correlation often implies causation”. Which is true, by the way. So when an animal does something and gets a reward it likes (e.g. food) it will try it again, and maybe try it a little bit differently just to see if that might increase the chance or quantity of the reward.

So we’re hard wired to create these heuristics. This has many implications, from Cargo Cults to Superstition and Security Beliefs.

The second instinct is the human drive to seek novelty, also noted by Den Beste:

The problem is that humans are wired to seek novelty. I think it’s a result of our dietary needs. Lions can eat zebra meat exclusively their entire lives without trouble; zebras can eat grass exclusively their entire lives. They don’t need novelty, but we do. Primates require a quite varied diet in order to stay healthy, and if we eat the same thing meal after meal we’ll get sick. Individuals who became restless and bored with such a diet, and who sought out other things to eat, were more likely to survive. And when you found something new, you were probably deficient in something that it provided nutritionally, so it made sense to like it for a while — until boredom set in, and you again sought out something new.

The drive for diversity affects more than just our diet. Genetic diversity has been shown to impart broader immunity to disease. Children from diverse parentage tend to develop a blend of each parent’s defenses (this has other implications, particularly for the tendency for human beings to work together in groups). The biological benefits of diversity are not limited to humans either. Hybrid strains of many crops have been developed over the years because by selectively mixing the best crops to replant the next year, farmers were promoting the best qualities in the species. The simple act of crossing different strains resulted in higher yields and stronger plants.

The problem here is that evolution has made the biological need for diversity and novelty dependent on our inductive reasoning instincts. As such, what we find is that those we rely upon for new entertainment, like Hollywood or the video game industry, are constantly trying to find a simple formula for a big hit.

It’s hard to come up with something completely new. It’s scary to even make the attempt. If you get it wrong you can flush amazingly large amounts of money down the drain. It’s a long-shot gamble. Every once in a while something new comes along, when someone takes that risk, and the audience gets interested…

Indeed, the majority of big films made today appear to be remakes, sequels or adaptations. One interesting thing I’ve noticed is that something new and exciting often fails at the box office. Such films usually gain a following on video or television though. Sometimes this is difficult to believe. For instance, The Shawshank Redemption is a very popular film. In fact, it occupies the #2 spot (just behind The Godfather) on IMDB’s top rated films. And yet, the film only made $28 million dollars (ranked 52 in 1994) in theaters. To be sure, that’s not a modest chunk of change, but given the universal love for this film, you’d expect that number to be much higher. I think part of the reason this movie failed at the box office was that marketers are just as susceptible to these novelty problems as everyone else. I mean, how do you market a period prison drama that has an awkward title an no big stars? It doesn’t sound like a movie that would be popular, even though everyone seems to love it.

Which brings up another point. Not only is it difficult to create novelty, it can also be difficult to find novelty. This is the crux of the problem: we require novelty, but we’re programmed to seek out new things via correllation. There is no place to go for perfect recommendations and novelty for the sake of novelty isn’t necessarily enjoyable. I can seek out some bizarre musical style and listen to it, but the simple fact that it is novel does not guarantee that it will be enjoyable. I can’t rely upon how a film is marketed because that is often misleading or, at least, not really representative of the movie (or whatever). Once we do find something we like, our instinct is often to exhaust that author or director or artist’s catalog. Usually, by the end of that process, the artist’s work begins to seem a little stale, for obvious reasons.

Seeking out something that is both novel and enjoyable is more difficult than it sounds. It can even be a little scary. Many times, things we think will be new actually turn out to be retreads. Other times, something may actually be novel, but unenjoyable. This leads to another phenomenon that Den Beste mentions: the “Unwatched pile.” Den Beste is talking about Anime, and at this point, he’s begun to accumulate a bunch of anime DVDs which he’s bought but never watched. I’ve had similar things happen with books and movies. In fact, I have several books on my shelf, just waiting to be read, but for some of them, I’m not sure I’m willing to put in the time and effort to read them. Why? Because, for whatever reason, I’ve begun to experience some set of diminishing returns when it comes to certain types of books. These are similar to other books I’ve read, and thus I probably won’t enjoy these as much (even if they are good books).

The problem is that we know something novel is out there, it’s just a matter of finding it. At this point, I’ve gotten sick of most of the mass consumption entertainment, and have moved on to more niche forms of entertainment. This is really a signal versus noise, traversal of the long tail problem. An analysis problem. What’s more, with globalization and the internet, the world is getting smaller… access to new forms of entertainment are popping up (for example, here in the US, anime was around 20 years ago, but it was nowhere near as common as it is today). This is essentially a subset of a larger information aggregation and analysis problem that we’re facing. We’re adrift in a sea of information, and must find better ways to navigate.

Offbeat Movie Corner 2

I like to check out movies that are off the beaten path, and I’m usually pretty happy with the experience. Here are some recent viewings:

  • Brick (***1/2):Sam Spade goes to high school. Either the concept of a high school noir film intrigues you, or it doesn’t (or you’re not familiar with noir…)

    This is a remarkable film. It’s high concept, and it could have easily fell on it’s face if it didn’t get the tone exactly right (which it does). The Cinecast podcast described it thusly:

    …[it] sounds dumb. I think that’s because, even though we haven’t, it feels like we’ve seen it before, maybe on a very special episode of Saved by the Bell, filmed in black and white; Zack and Screech in trenchcoats, smoking cigarettes and awkwardly delivering bad Dashiell Hammett parody.

    Well, none of that here. Writer/director Rian Johnson has done an excellent job creating a stylized modern high school world where the students talk like characters out of The Maltese Falcon. There is a lot of humor in the movie, but it plays the story straight, as if teenagers really talk like hard boiled detectives. All of the noir archetypes are there too, including the troubled detective, the femme fatale, the Kingpin and my favorite, the Brain.

    The story is decent as well, though you will need to pay attention. The plot is very dense (though perhaps a bit too derivitive of classic noir), and I look forward to picking through it again (and again) when it gets released on DVD. Direction and cinematography are done well. Acting is great. All in all, an excellent film. Highly recommended for those familiar with noir (and only a little less for those who are not).

  • Hard Candy (***): This was surprisingly good. Not brilliant or earth-shattering, but a quality filmgoing experience. It’s about a pedophile and a 14 year old girl. It’s difficult to describe without giving away too much (potential spoilers ahead), but let’s just say that those are really the only two characters in the movie (there are 3 others whose combined screen time probably doesn’t top 2 minutes) and that 90% of the movie takes place in a house. And yet this manages to be pretty riveting stuff. With the subject of the movie being pedophilia, you really can’t expect to have a pleasant experience. But I will note that there is no actual sex in the movie and that expectations are consistently thwarted. The only thing that struck me as odd was that there are times when you could root for either character, because neither one of them is likeable (though I suspect most people would not choose to root for the pedophile). Also, the ending puts a little strain on credibility, though it’s about as well done as it could be… Still, the screenplay is excellent (it’s a very dialogue heavy movie), the direction is good, and the acting is great, especially Ellen Page (playing the 14 year old Hayley). If you don’t mind the subject matter and are prepared to be more than a little grossed out, this is definitely worth a watch.
  • The Squid and the Whale (**): Honestly, I don’t even know if this really deserves **, but I’ll give it that because what is there is pretty well done. It just doesn’t amount to anything, which is a big problem for me. It’s about a family that goes through a divorce. It’s another movie where I didn’t particularly like any of the characters. For instance, father is an extremely unlikeable pompous ass and a portrait of how not to be a good father (though I have to admit that Jeff Daniels gives an exceptional performance). I suppose I should draw a distinction here though. The characters were all well written and portrayed (with the possible exception of the mother), I just didn’t like them as people. I didn’t really care about them much, so there wasn’t much of an emotional connection for me. There are a lot of good moments in this film though. The writer/director nails some of the subtleties (I think it was partly autobiographical, which probably explains some things), but none of these subtle moments ever really amounts to anything. Thus I can’t really recommend this. The one lesson I took out of this film: Don’t get a divorce or your kids will become sexual deviants.

That’s it for now. If you’re interested, check out the previous installment of Offbeat Movie Corner.

The Man Who Knew Too Much

My little Hitchcock marathon continues with the 1934 thriller, The Man Who Knew Too Much. This was a breakthrough international success and it was also critically acclaimed as a new high in suspense films. However, while this film exhibits much more of a mastery of technique than his previous efforts, it’s still not indicative of his later brilliance. There are many great scenes and great shots in this movie, but the plotting and pacing problems that plagued his other early films are still in evidence (although there was a big improvement). The plot has enormous holes in it, but the themes and conventions are pure Hitchcock and it’s not without a certain sense of charm.

The story concerns a married couple vacationing in the Alps with their daughter. They’re befriended by a French man who, naturally, is shot. It turns out that the man was a spy, and just before he dies, he tells the couple of a plot to assassinate an important diplomat in London. To keep the couple from talking to the police, the assassins kidnap the couple’s daughter and hold her hostage. The movie is filled with excellent scenes and shots, but the plot holes hold the film back from total brilliance. Spoilers, screenshots and more below!

The film also displays some Hitchcockian humor, something that was somewhat lacking in his previous films. For instance, there’s a clever sequence towards the beginning of the film involving a group of people on a dancefloor that get tangled up in string. Later, a scene at a dentist’s office approaches slapstick.

I always bring a gun to the dentist's office.
I always bring a gun to the dentist’s office.

A hilarious scene at a church approaches downright silliness as the father and his friend attempt to communicate by singing plot points to each other to the tune of the hymns (thereby disguising their conversation from their fellow churchgoers).

We must sing the plot, so as not to be detected.
We must sing the plot now, so as not to be detected.

Later, the father’s friend gets hypnotized by the head of this (rather strange) Church. Naturally, she’s in league with the assassins.

She's not as good as hypnotoad, but she'll do
She’s not as good as hypnotoad, but she’ll do.

Cornered by the criminals at the Church, our hero starts a… chair fight. This sequence is literally minutes long, as our hero throws chairs at the criminals, who decide not to use their guns to return fire, but to throw chairs back at the hero instead. By the way, it’s not clear in the screenshot below, but if you look closely, you can see that the man has a cigarette in his mouth. That’s right, he initiates this chair fight with a cigarette dangling from his mouth.

Chair fight!
Chair fight!

The assassin was expertly played by Peter Lorre, in his first English speaking role. Cheerfully chewing scenery and smoking like a chimney, his presence helps give the film a large portion of its charm. A testament to how a great villain can elevate a movie…

I am Peter Lorre, hear me roar.
I am Peter Lorre, hear me roar.

One of the most memorable sequences in the film is when the assassins make their move on the diplomat. The shooter times his shot with a key portion of the music at a concert, and Hitchcock employs a brilliant dissolve from the orchestra to the gun (the screenshots below don’t do it justice).

Yay orchestra! Wait, wait, where's the orchestra going? Oh no, a gun!

Believe it or not, our heroine manages to help foil the assassination attempt, and the police are able to follow the shooter back to his group’s hideout (the aforementioned Church). This leads to a siege and eventual shootout, which was apparently based on Siege of Sidney Street, a notorious real-life gunfight in London’s East End in 1911.

Didn't you hear me, I am Peter Lorre! Rarr!
Didn’t you hear me, I am Peter Lorre! Rarr!

The film ends with the daughter escaping to the roof, chased by this pleasant fellow:

I'm nowhere near as cool as Peter Lorre.
I’m nowhere near as cool as Peter Lorre.

Once again, we’ve got a film which shows flashes of Hitch’s future brilliance without being, in itself, brilliant. Still, there’s much more substance here than in the previous films in my marathon. It’s an archetype of his later work and indeed, Hitchcock remade the film nearly 20 years later (though critics disagree about which version is better).

Update: You can download the movie at the Internet Archive!

50 Best Film Adaptations Meme

I’m generally not one to partake in memes on the blog (especially not two in a row), but I figure that since I’ve been writing about movies pretty much non-stop for the past month, it might make a good palate cleanser before I get obsessed with another topic.

Anyway, a few days ago, the Guardian listed the 50 best movie adaptations of books. Aside from the rather odd snubbing of the Lord of the Rings movies, a few people have started marking the list with what they’ve seen and read. Michael Hanscom and Jason Kottke have done so, and so will I (each line is tagged with a B if I’ve read the book, and an M if I’ve seen the move):

1. [BM] 1984

2. [B] Alice in Wonderland

3. [M] American Psycho

4. Breakfast at Tiffany’s

5. Brighton Rock

6. Catch 22

7. [BM] Charlie & the Chocolate Factory

8. [M] A Clockwork Orange

9. Close Range (inc Brokeback Mountain)

10. The Day of the Triffids

11. [M] Devil in a Blue Dress

12. [M] Different Seasons (inc The Shawshank Redemption)

13. [M] Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? (aka Bladerunner)

14. [M] Doctor Zhivago

15. Empire of the Sun

16. The English Patient

17. [BM] Fight Club

18. The French Lieutenant’s Woman

19. [M] Get Shorty

20. [M] The Godfather

21. [M] Goldfinger

22. [M] Goodfellas

23. [M] Heart of Darkness (aka Apocalypse Now)

24. [BM] The Hound of the Baskervilles

25. [M] Jaws

26. [M] The Jungle Book

27. A Kestrel for a Knave (aka Kes)

28. [M] LA Confidential

29. [M] Les Liaisons Dangereuses

30. [M] Lolita

31. Lord of the Flies

32. [M] The Maltese Falcon

33. Oliver Twist

34. [M] One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest

35. Orlando

36. The Outsiders

37. Pride and Prejudice

38. The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie

39. The Railway Children

40. [M] Rebecca

41. The Remains of the Day

42. [M] Schindler’s Ark (aka Schindler’s List)

43. [M] Sin City

44. The Spy Who Came in From the Cold

45. [M] The Talented Mr Ripley

46. Tess of the D’Urbervilles

47. Through a Glass Darkly

48. [BM] To Kill a Mockingbird

49. [M] Trainspotting

50. [M] The Vanishing

51. Watership Down

Not so bad, but nowhere near as impressive as Sameer Vasta, who has both read and seen 34 items on the list (with only 5 that he hasn’t read or seen). Like everyone else who has done this, I have no idea why the top 50 adaptations actually contains 51 items…

Philadelphia Film Festival: Cheesy Horror Double Feature

To conclude the Philadelphia Film Festival, I took in a pair of low-budget, cheesy horror films. One was good, the other not as much, but they’re both worth a watch (if you’re a fan of the genre).

  • Evil Aliens: Back before they were A-list directors, both Peter Jackson and Sam Raimi were known for their low budget, gory horror “splat-stick” films. Whether we can expect the same trajectory from new British director Jake West remains to be seen, but his first feature certainly owes a debt to the early Jackson/Raimi horror films. The movie starts with an abduction, followed by a television tabloid show going to investigate. The tabloid show doesn’t believe any such abduction took place, they just seek to exploit the story. Naturally, they’re wrong, and the coasal island they travel to is actually being invaded by, well, evil aliens. Along the way, we get treated to abductions, anal probes, decapitations, inbred Welsh farmers, shotguns, cattle mutilations, hot alien-on-human lovin’, and blood spraying mayhem in general. Obviously, this film ain’t for the faint of heart, but it’s a lot of fun for fans of the genre, who should also be able to pick apart all of the references. Perhaps not as seamless and inventive as, for example, Evil Dead II, but still a solid effort. Also, as I mentioned earlier, this appears to be a part of the recent revival in British horror, though unlike The Descent, Evil Aliens plays the monster story more for laughs and gory fun than anything else. Excellent for its genre, though it’s graphic depictions and the like are certainly not for everyone. (**1/2)
  • Tokyo Zombie: An interesting Japanese parody of zombie Films, Tokyo Zombie has a lot of potential, but ultimately falls a little flat. Like Evil Aliens, Tokyo Zombie is not playing it’s story straight, but it doesn’t quite have the rapid-fire pace that other films of this nature require. On the other hand, it is more ambitious than Evil Aliens, and it even follows through on some of that ambition. Two blue-collar laborers with a penchant for jujitsu have thir plans cut short by a sudden invasion of a zombies from “Dark Mt. Fuji” (essentially a landfill where all sorts of garbage is dumped, including industrial waste and, of course, human bodies). The duo (sporting hilarious haircuts, including a Japanese afro) are separated, and the film take some interesting turns, including an unexpected Kill Bill-style anime sequence that bridges five years in the story and a Romero parody featuring wealthy survivors pitting zombies versus poor human survivors in battle. Compared to Evil Aliens, the gore is practically nonexistent and the laughter is slightly less. However, it tries to leaven its story with a little more depth. Unfortunately, when compared to another brilliant zombie parody, Shaun of the Dead, it still doesn’t really stack up. A bit of a disappointment, but probably still worth seeing for fans of the genre (**)

And that about wraps it up. It was a fun experience, though I wish I had taken some time off or something, because I certainly would have liked to have seen several other films during the week. For those interested, I’ve created a category for all posts from the Philadelphia Film Festival.

Philadelphia Film Festival: A Bittersweet Life

The next film in my marathon was the Korean gangster flick, A Bittersweet Life. The recent surge in ultra-cool Korean action films intrigued me (particularly Chan-wook Park’s “Vengeance” trilogy, which I have not yet been able to see) and so I figured I’d check this one out. It’s a decent enough film and it kept me entertained, but it ultimately left me unfulfilled.

Sun Woo is an “enforcer” at a hotel bar run by an organized crime syndicate led by President Kang. As we see in the first scene, Sun Woo is your typical icy and efficient mobster, and has earned the trust of the syndicate’s leader, President Kang. When Kang needs to leave town for a few days, he asks Sun Woo to do him a personal favour. Kang wants Sun Woo to look after his young mistress, Hee Soo. What’s more, Kang suspects that she is cheating on him. If she is, Sun Woo is supposed to kill her and her lover on the spot. Of course, she really is cheating on Kang and it doesn’t take long for Sun Woo to catch them in the act. Naturally, Hee Soo has stirred something in Sun Woo and he can’t follow through on his orders, instead telling the lovers that they can never see each other again. This small act of mercy is the catalyst for the rest of the story, as Kang immediately realizes what happened and is none too happy. Meanwhile, Sun Woo has also seen fit to offend a rival syndicate, and refuses to apologize for his insolence, so they’re none too happy as well. Betrayed by his own boss and on the run from others, Sun Woo seeks to exact revenge.

Let’s be clear, the story here is nothing special. Writer/Director Ji-woon Kim plays the formulaic and derivative story straight, and while it works for about the first two thirds of the movie, it’s strained in the final act. There are no twists, no double crosses, no big surprises. We don’t go too deeply into characterization, and the neo-noir action story goes pretty much exactly how you’d expect it to go. However, we are treated to a number of excellent scenes along the way, including several humourous touches. The most notable action sequence of the film comes as Sun Woo manages to escape his captors. Stylish, violent, and original, it was the highlight of the film. Other highlights include Sun Woo’s attempts to purchase guns from a group of wannabe gangsters (including a brilliant moment when their leader realizes that Sun Woo is faking), and the final gunfight.

While the story might not be anything special, the execution is top-notch. The direction and cinematography are stylish and the performances, especially by Byung-hun Lee (who plays Sun Woo), are excellent. Writer/Director Ji-woon Kim knows he’s not blazing a new path, and he manages to have some fun with the procedings. The film ends the way you’d expect, but it lingers a little too long and the characters didn’t seem deep enough to warrant the ending. Sun Woo’s motivations are left open for interpretation (there are obvious and no so obvious interpretations possible), but the very last sequence, featuring flashbacks and imagery from earlier in the film, is a little too overt and it defiinitely goes on too long.

There’s a lot to like about the film, but as I mentioned earlier, it begins to lose steam about two thirds of the way in, and by the end, it’s straining the limits of implausibility. What initially drew me to this film was the description that it contains “shootouts that make vintage John Woo look like romantic comedies by comparison.” Perhaps my expectations were too high, but with the exception of the aformentioned escape scene (which is not a shootout, but harrowing nonetheless), the action sequences don’t begin to approach vintage Woo gunfights. Nevertheless, it is an above average action film and well worth the watch for fans of the genre. (**1/2)

Update 4.15.06: I’ve created a category for all posts from the Philadelphia Film Festival.

Philadelphia Film Festival: Adult Swim 4 Your Lives

Well. That was interesting. Hosted by Dana Snyder (voice of Master Shake from Aqua Teen Hunger Force) and featuring a veritable plethora of other Adult Swim creators, Adult Swim 4 Your Lives was a show that defies any legitimate explanation. As such, I will simply list out some highlights, as well as some words that I would use to describe the night:

  • The Paul Green School of Rock kicked things off. Yes, Paul Green was the inspiration for Jack Black’s character in the film The School of Rock.
  • Skeletor singing show tunes (notably the song Tomorrow from Annie)
  • In fact, lots of singing was happening tonight.
  • Burlesque.
  • Beethoven vs. Bach (featuring Camel Toe)
  • Evil Monkey Boy (and hula hoops).
  • Suggestive dancing.
  • Twirling tassels.
  • Preview of second season of Tom Goes to the Mayor and a new series, Minoriteam. I got a t-shirt!
  • Aqua Teen Hunger Force Feature Film (!?) preview.
  • Did I mention Burlesque?
  • Dana Snyder was either putting on his Master Shake voice all night, or that’s really the way his voice sounds. Also, that man is crazy.

Basically the night was filled with Dana Snyder saying (usually singing) wacky stuff, followed by some sort of weird performance (usually featuring elements of the burlesque). It was quite a night, though from what I understand, last year’s event went on much longer and was even crazier. Nevertheless, if you’re a fan of Adult Swim and if such an event is ever going on near you, I’d recommend it. Unless the thought of watching Skeletor belt out a few show tunes turns your stomach. Then I’d suggest avoiding it.

Update 4.15.06: I’ve created a category for all posts from the Philadelphia Film Festival.

Philadelphia Film Festival: The Descent

The first film in my little marathon turned out to be The Descent. It played in a sold out theater at the Ritz East in Philadelphia, and if this experience was any indication, I’m going to have a good week… Since this film is scheduled to be widely released in the US this summer, I’ll try to make this a spoiler-free review.

Horror films are often marginalized and given little examination, perhaps because of it’s low budget and exploitive origins. However, I’ve often observed that producing a good horror film is one of the more challenging tasks a filmmaker could take on. Horror stories often require certain leaps of faith, which, in turn, places more emphasis on all other aspects of the film. For a good horror movie, everything needs to be there, including the writing (important for any movie, but horror films usually require a little more imagination), the characters, the acting, the cinematography, and the music, amongst many other aspects. In short, for a Horror movie to be good, it has to do everything a regular drama does, and then some.

With The Descent, director Neil Marshall has succeeded in crafting a genuinely creepy and engaging horror film. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen such a good horror film in the theater, and the packed house of movie lovers no doubt made the experience of seeing the film that much better.

The film is about a group five female friends who regularly engage in adventurous activities like white-water rafting, hiking, and, in this film, spelunking. Naturally, one of the more reckless members of the group takes her unsuspecting friends to an uncharted cave, and the group promptly gets lost. To make things worse, it appears that they’re not alone in the darkness…

Set almost entirely underground, the lack of light provides a lush canvas for Sam McCurdy’s gorgeous cinematography. Films set in the dark are often confusing and disorienting, and while there are times when Marshall uses that to emphasize the claustrophobic environment, he also uses lighting to contextualize the situations with great effect. The score is also notable, though not showy. It doesn’t call attention to itself the way a lot of horror scores do, and it is quite effective at setting the mood.

The film is filled with well-orchestrated “boo!” moments, but there’s more at work here than just cheap thrills. From the moment things start to get really bad for our heroines, Marshall is relentless. He plays the monster movie straight and even after the monsters are revealed, he’s able to keep the intensity high. This is partly due to great execution (especially in the first reveal), but it’s also because Marshall actually spends some time giving a little depth to the characters so that we care about them. The characterizations and relationships are effectively communicated through very subtle touches, and I liked that Marshall trusts his audience to pick up on such cues. The actresses do a quality job here as well… indeed, I can’t think of another horror movie where all of the main characters were women. In any case, it’s a fine ensemble.

The film is gory, but nothing struck me as being excessive. There are lots of homages to other films, including Deliverance, Carrie, and Predator (amongst others).

The film’s been getting a lot of buzz here, and it has already met with international success, audiences often proclaiming it the best horror film of the year. There is some controversy over the fact that the US version has a different ending, but I think that is a topic for another post. I’ve read about the original ending, and to be honest, I think they both sound effective. The film is not perfect, but I’d recommend it highly for those in need of a scare. (***)

Update 4.15.06: I’ve created a category for all posts from the Philadelphia Film Festival.

Philadelphia Film Festival

The Philadelphia Film Festival started a few days ago. Despite living in the area my whole life (and a love of movies), I’ve never actually attended the Philly festival (or any other film fest, for that matter). So I’ve decided to change that and make my way to a few screenings this week and next. Naturally, I’ll be blogging my thoughts on the festival and the films I see. Depending on traffic and time, I’ll probably be able to catch a few screenings, but not a ton.

In any case, there are definitely a few films that have caught my eye (particularly in the Danger After Dark category, all horror and action films)

  • A Bittersweet Life: It looks like a rather standard Korean gangster flick, but part of it’s description intrigued me – it apparently features “shootouts that make vintage John Woo look like romantic comedies by comparison.” Sounds good to me. I’ve already bought my ticket for Wednesday night…
  • The Descent: There’s a lot of buzz claiming this British flick is the scariest horror film of the year. The last few years have been filled with lots of enthusiasm for Asian horror cinema, but from recent horror offerings, it looks like the UK is now leading a charge to challenge the Asian masters. There are a couple of other British horror flicks being featured this week, and I intend to check a few of them out…
  • Lady Vengeance: Well, I won’t be able to see this film because there’s only one showing and it’s already sold out, but that’s not so bad because I haven’t seen the first two films in director Park Chan-wook’s “Vengeance” trilogy (both of which will be at the top of my Netflix queue, when I get around to setting one up). For those interested, Samael (loyal Kaedrin reader #5) reviewed the first film of the series, Sympathy for Mr. Vengence, not too long ago on the Kaedrin forum. I would have loved to have seen this one, but alas, it was not to be…
  • Two Days: Another film which caught my attention solely because of the description: “Blood Simple meets True Romance in this witty modern-day film noir where a marriage proposal rejection sends a hunky poet on a bloody path of unexpected revenge.” Also from the description: “The inventive screenplay will keep you both guessing and laughing and the exceptional cast of quirky characters – including a voyeuristic Mexican motel owner, a wandering hippie-like seeker of the truth, a cackling but duplicitous gay man, and an alluring femme fatale – make this tragi-comedy a true standout. ” Sounds like a good one to me…
  • The Forth Dimension: Interesting sounding supernatural science fiction. Seems reminiscent of Pi, a film I loved. From its initial showings, it appears to be rated rather highly, so perhaps I’m in for a treat (if I can find a showing that fits my schedule).

I’m also going to try to make the Adult Swim 4 Your Lives show (featuring the Aqua Teen Hunger Force’s Dana Snyder (aka Master Shake) and Jay Edwards (ATHF director)), which a friend went to last year and highly recommended.

There are probably a hundred movies I’d like to watch this week, but I’m not even sure I’ll be able to make my way to the ones listed above. Anywho, stay tuned, it should be a busy week…

Update 4.3.06: I saw The Descent last night and I was quite pleased with the film. A full review will be posted on Tuesday.

Update 4.15.06: I’ve created a category for all posts from the Philadelphia Film Festival.

Offbeat Movie Corner

Since mainstream fare has been a bit anemic lately, I’ve been trying to find some movies off the beaten path. The results have been reasonably rewarding when I can actually find and get to these types of movies:

  • The Matador: Pierce Brosnan does an about-face with an interesting performance as a burnt-out hitman who befriends everyman/businessman Greg Kinnear. Lots of dark humor, but solid performances and a sharp script elevate this film beyond others of it’s genre. The characters’ actions sometimes seem a little strange, but it makes sense in the end. This probably isn’t in too many theaters anymore, but it’ll probably be on video soon. Recommended (***)
  • The World’s Fastest Indian: James Berardinelli gives a great summary of this film, which borrows from several genres:

    The World’s Fastest Indian starts out as a mismatched buddy film, with Burt the curmudgeon hanging out with a boy named Tom (Aaron Murphy). Nearly everyone in the neighborhood, including Tom’s parents, thinks Burt is disreputable and a bad influence, but that doesn’t prevent Tom from spending countless hours in the old man’s workshop. It has been Burt’s lifelong dream to take his beloved motorcycle to the Utah salt flats to find out how fast he can go, and that dream comes a step closer to reality when Burt is able to raise the money. So it’s off to Los Angeles, where The World’s Fastest Indian becomes a fish-out-of-water movie (think Crocodile Dundee with Hopkins in the title role). After dawdling a while in Hollywood, Burt buys a car and heads northeast for Utah. Cue the road movie. Finally, Donaldson’s mixed genre odyssey ends with an inspirational sports segment, in which Burt reaches his goal and must battle rules and regulations to get a chance to realize his dream.

    It’s not a perfect film. Some sections work better than others and it’s just a tad too long, but it is strange that this film didn’t get a wider distribution (especially given the lack of quality films that typically occurrs at the beginning of a year). As it stood, I had to make the trek to the Ritz in center city to see it… Another one to check out on video. Recommended. (***)

  • Night Watch: One of the most popular Russian movies ever, this film following an ongoing good vs. evil vampire battle has a lot going for it. It’s got a bold visual style and a lot of memorable moments, but an incredibly sloppy narrative that totally removed me from the experience. It seems that some of the most stylish moments, such as following a screw from an airplane as it careens toward an apartment building, really don’t have any impact on the story itself. I suppose it could have been a lost-in-translation thing, but there were too many disconnects for me. One thing I should disclose is that my experience viewing this film was atrocious. The subtitles were cut off at the bottom of the screen and the sound was a bit off. That being said, I still think the story was disjointed, episodic, and ultimately unfufilling (especially the ending). It’s one of those style over substance movies, and it’d probably be a lot of fun if you can turn your brain off (as the Cinecast guys were apparently able to do). Unfortunately, it didn’t work for me, though I’ll probably end up watching the sequels at some point. (**)

I’ve also wanted to see Tsotsi for a while, but it’s only recently come to the area, and I’m probably not going to be able get to it for a few weeks… That’s all for now. Happy viewing.