Fellow Travelers in the Halloween Ways

Those who celebrate the Halloween season do so in many and varied ways and hard as it may be to believe here in 2023, they even maintain blogs to document their celebration. Here, we do the Six Weeks of Halloween horror movie marathon, but there are lots of other approaches. As with last year, I goofed off with some AI image generators using the prompt “Fellow Travelers in the Halloween Ways” and I guess this works well enough (I kinda like last year’s better though).

Fellow Travelers in the Halloween Ways

Old Hands

Film Thoughts – Zack, previously the only other practitioner of the Six Weeks of Halloween, has decided to expand his marathon to the full two months of September and October. As per usual, his output is prolific, typically covering two movies and a smattering of television episodes nearly daily. He’s also quite thoughtful and insightful in his reviews, and his curation is eclectic (always find new things to watch reading his blog).

Cinema Crazed – I only started following these folks a few years ago, but I guess that qualifies as an Old Hand at this point, and they’re still going strong, covering everything from old silent flicks to recent horror based festival releases.

Horror Movie a Day – Brian doesn’t post every day anymore and his output this Halloween season has been somewhat limited, but the man watched and wrote about a horror movie every day for several years, so his archives are invaluable this time of year.

Hellowe’en Horror -Well curated collection of images, posters, screenshots, and gifs from various horror flicks, still marching along with the season…

Final Girl – Standard Shocktober shenanigans are well underway, this year doing another reader poll and counting down the films mentioned. She asked readers to submit a top 20 list, then ranked the results by number of votes, resulting in a list of 816 films. She’s done this a few times before, and it’s always surprising how many of the films I haven’t seen or even heard of… I mean, I know there are 800 films on the list, but still.

New Hands

Action Figure Barbecue – Covering the realm of Halloween specific toys and action figures, including reviews by a dog? Sure, why not?

Classic Horrors Club – Lots of movie reviews ranging from the obscure to the popular to the… not popular… (as all Halloween movie marathons should be!)

Dispatches from the Macabre Republic – I want to say that I’ve included this one before, but regardless, there’s lots of reviews of horror literature and short stories here, amongst the usual oddball stuff.

Severed Hands

Wonderful Wonderblog – Spreading the love beyond just movies and into various spooky versions of stuff like lottery tickets and records and whatnot.

Halloween Mixes – Well, technically, this blog is titled “The Murderer’s Plague Of The Phantasmagoric Beast Of The Haunted Screaming Horror Of The Mad Scientist’s Monster’s Bride Of The Vampire’s Bloody Psychotic Alien Werewolf Curse Of The Ghost Of The Zombie That Ate The Return of Dav’s Ultimate Halloween”, but uh, yeah it’s got an archive of nice playlists of Halloween themed music (including a recently compiled 2024 list)

Countdown to Halloween – Long list of blogs and websites doing some sort of Halloween theme…

So there you have it. Halloween blogs are still a thing, kinda. It’s not just me. Anywho, stay tuned, we’ve got some Neo-Slashers coming on Sunday, followed by the traditional Speed Round (not to mention the big day itself) and a Halloween Reading Roundup as well…

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