The usual roundup of interesting links from the depths of ye olde internets:
- And Now, An Intimate Conversation With Elijah Wood – Scott Wampler’s interview with Elijah Wood is, well, it’s something else:
I’ve interacted with you often enough on Twitter to know you’re a regular social media user.
Oh, yeah.
So then you must be familiar with Daddy Culture.
(long pause) …Not really.
I don’t believe that.
Do you…are we talking about, like, someone who’s looking for someone else to take care of them? Like a Sugar Daddy?
Yes, it could be that. Anyone can be a Daddy.
I don’t –
People said Venom was Daddy.
A lot of people said Venom was Daddy, in fact.
So, was there ever any concern on your part that titling your film Come to Daddy might therefore be considered an intrusion, or co-opting of, Daddy Culture?
I don’t think that was ever a concern.
The first thing that came to mind when I read the title was probably the Aphex Twin song, and there’s actually another Aphex Twin song in the movie, it’s beautiful. But no, I don’t think we thought about Daddy Culture, or how we might be appropriating it.
Well, maybe that’s something for you to think about.
You’re absolutely right.
Do you consider yourself a Daddy?
Well, I mean, I am a dad.
Yes, you’re a recent father, but are you a Daddy?
(long pause) I don’t think I quite know what that means.
Alright, Elijah, if we’re gonna continue to play games I’m just gonna have to move on to the next line of questioning.
Honestly, Scott, I want to help you, I just –
Moving on.
They talk about things other than Daddy Culture too.
- It’s Time for a Best Stunts Oscar – The trials and tribulations of trying to get a Best Stunts Oscar off the ground. It’s more complicated than you might think, but it’s also stupid that it doesn’t exist.
- Why Didn’t Ancient Rome have Dungeons and Dragons? – Ruminations on the nature of innovation and how infrequently it actually happens.
- Predators And Danny Glover Dancing On The Set of Predator 2 – I mean, what is going on here?
- Spiders On Drugs – Stick with this until the end, it’s not what you think. Or maybe it is. I don’t know what you’re thinking.
- This Grasshopper Mouse Hunts Scorpions, Howls at Moon – This mouse is much more badass than the bigoted stereotypes surrounding mice.
That’s all for now…