Unbreakable (***) I like it. I moved the full review to the movies section where it belongs. Go and read its coolness.
Unbreakable (***) I like it. I moved the full review to the movies section where it belongs. Go and read its coolness.
If all goes well, I will be viewing the film Unbreakable tonight. This is M. Night Shyamalan’s film first effort since the wildly successful The Sixth Sense. While I enjoyed The Sixth Sense, I wasn’t overly impressed. It was good, but it had some flaws, and thats the kind of film I expect to see tonight. Judging from the early mixed reviews, I think I’m going to be right. We shall see. Check back later for a mini-review.
A user on the Coming Attractions Discussion Forums made this funny observation: “wouldnt it suck if in the end of unbreakable
bruce willis really did die in the train wreck” – eman182. Lol…
Want to know how to make yourself an irreplaceable programmer? Go here and find out how to make your code unmaintainable by anyone but yourself. No wonder most software sucks.
Those of you who think my short review of Things Falling Apart sucks will be glad to know that I agree and that I am linking to a funnier review of the cd. So there. For those of you NIN fans who are not familiar with The Meathead Perspective, I do suggest you check it out. Its a riot.
An exerpt from Meatheads review of The Great Collapse: “This track is a bit repetitive, and fairly simplistic, and a bit repetitive, but after listening to it a few times, it grew on me, kinda like a mild case of hives. ”
This site has some awesome fonts from Movies, Music, Television, etc… Oh, I’m gonna have fun with this… [from grenville via Kaedrin Forum]
The new Nine Inch Nails EP Things Falling Apart was officially released today. I got my hands on a copy a few days ago, and its pretty cool, as remix albums go (despite the fact that there are 3 remixes of my least favourite Fragile song, Starf*ckers, Inc). As usual, the remixes are not as dense or robust as the originals, but there’s a few decent mixes on this CD. Slipping Away, a remix of Into the Void, is probably my favourite of the new mixes. Also included is the remake of Metal and a remix of 10 Miles High (a Fragile B-side). Cool schtuff.
I don’t know exactly when, but Netscape has recently released the much anticipated Netscape 6.0. I went to Netscape Dowload, and it said I was using IE 5.0 and that I could “Upgrade to Netscape 6” (or Netscape 4.whatever). IMHO, releasing it was a big mistake because there are a ton of bugs and usability issues. I downloaded it this morning, played with it for 10 minutes and found the following problems:
Since I couldn’t get the proxy working, I couldn’t really test all the new features, many of which seem really cool. I’m particularly interested in seeing how well Netscape’s mail client handles AOL email addresses and IMs, but then, my 10 minute trial on the browser doesn’t give me much hope. Now don’t get me wrong, I was looking forward to this release, but I think they rushed to put out an incomplete product, and it is a little frustrating. There are a lot of things that are really great about Netscape 6, but I think I’m gonna wait until they stabilize it a little more and work out the bugs before I really start using it…
Although their utility is unclear, just imagine what that guy who figured out the healing potential of testicles could do with this. Be afraid. Be very afraid.
Ok, we’ve already established that scientists are clever. We get it. Now, lets ponder how on earth they figure some of these things out. Scientist have recently discovered that they could help stroke victims recover more quickly by implanting testicle cells into patients’ brains. What?! I want to know what possessed scientists to induce strokes in rats, then put testicle cells in their brain.
In mathematics news, there are signs that the Riemann hypothesis (probably the most famous problem in mathematics) is close to being proven. The Riemann hypothesis has to do with Prime Numbers and their distribution (it is speculated that their distribution is chaotic). Apparently, those clever scientists I keep marvelling at have found a link between the Riemann hypothesis and the physical world. If this connection proves to be true, it would be a huge boost (there are tons of proofs in mathematics that start: Assuming the Riemann hypothesis is true…) to our understanding of the universe…
Some random links for your enjoyment: