Dave Barry’s Commentary on Disaster Movies. “…realism is not the point of a disaster movie. The point of a disaster movie is to have exactly the same script as every other disaster movie.” He gives you the script and it is funny. Read it.
Dave Barry’s Commentary on Disaster Movies. “…realism is not the point of a disaster movie. The point of a disaster movie is to have exactly the same script as every other disaster movie.” He gives you the script and it is funny. Read it.
I was only 2 months old when I felt a disturbance in the force. That disturbance was the Star Wars Holiday Special. I’ve only seen parts of the horrid thing, but apparently the Star Wars site Blueharvest.net has the whole show in low quality real video (apparently maximizing the suffering). [via the bowels of Metafilter]
This one goes out to all the paranoid British visitors of my site: Apparently there is a Secret plan to spy on all British phone calls as well as emails and internet connections. Very scary.
Someone has figured out how to use the 3d shooter Doom as a tool for system administration. Doom creates a new metaphor for process management: Each process can be a monster, and the machines can be represented by a series of rooms. Killing a process corresponds to killing a monster. How very clever. [via usr/bin/girl]
This java applet attempts to implement the classic “Eliza” program. It pretends to be a Rogerian psychologist. It was groundbreaking in its time, but it is ultimately a lacking AI system (that or Rogerian psychologists are complete morons, which is probably not too far from the truth). Its pretty easy to take advantage of the system. As DyRE found out, Never Go to a Rogerian Psychologist When You’re On Fire.
This is an interesting tool that you can use to help you find keywords for your site. Type in a keyword and you can find related searches that include your term, as well as how many times that term was searched on last month. Wery useful.
For those of you who have seen Unbreakable, check out this alternate ending. IMHO, it makes for a much better ending; very subtle and yet nothing is really lost from the version released. Those little text messages at the end were so… out of place. [from Widgett by way of Coming Attractions; Widgett’s site, NeedCoffee.com hath recieved a gigantic update as well.]
There’s not really much I can think to say about Hats Of Meat other than that I want a “Base-Bull Cap”. Since I know you want to know more about this bold and innovative fashion statement, check out the MeatHelmet page. Fascinating.
Thats right, I’m jumping on another bandwagon. Check out my all new and boring Fake Webcam. It will get more interesting as time goes on. I promise.
While this has been a lackluster year for movies, things have been heating up a bit lately. I think the movie that I am most looking forward to this Holiday Season is the Coen Brothers’ new comedy, O Brother, Where art Thou?. Judging from this review, I won’t be disappointed. The setup is fairly standard: 3 prisoners escape and travel across the state to recover a small fortune that was stolen from a bank. But remember, this is Coen Brothers we’re talking about here: “It�s a musical. And it�s based in Homer�s Odyssey.” Thats interesting. Other early reviews are also positive, so I’m confident I’ll enjoy this flick.