It’s that time of year, enjoy:
- Grateful Kid Gets Xbox 360 for Christmas: This is from last year, but it’s worth watching if you haven’t seen it. Make sure you watch until the end of the video, as there’s some necessary context that helps explain why this kid is so overcome with gratitude. He’s a real life Tiny Tim, he is.
- This Guy Sings Christmas: I’m seriously curious as to how many people have bought This Guy’s album.
- Christmas Shoes: Patton Oswalt’s interpretation of an annoying holiday song.
- The Christmas Flip Flop: This is a kinda-sorta parody of the aforementioned Christmas Shoes song by The Dan Band
- Your Christmas Tree’s Twitter Page: This tree isn’t very happy about his fate, but at least he didn’t rise up in Treevenge!
- Christmas Prank: This guy’s apartment was wrapped. And I mean, the entire apartment.
- Das Nihilist Christmas: I’m glad I’m not a Nihilist.
- 8-bit Christmas: Somehow better than a lot of other renditions.
- “In some cultures Santa is a ninja who rides a dolphin.”
- Star Trek Gingerbread Men: Brilliant.
That’s all for now. With any luck, I’ll be seeing Rare Exports: A Christmas Tale on Wednesday, so perhaps a review…
Update: Added some links…