There’s No Such Thing as a Bad Movie. “While the title of this piece mentions movies, it really applies to any medium of expression. Artworks are not good or bad. They simply are what they are, and you have a personal, subjective reaction when exposed to them.” The author makes some interesting points, many of which parallel my views on criticism. However, I also think there is a certain degree of objectivity one can achieve when reviewing a film; ironically, this is achieved through subjectivity. Much like the Reflexive school of documentary filmmaking, a critic exposes their own bias, thus making the reader aware of the review’s subjective nature. This makes it easier for a reader to judge whether or not they will like the movie. After all, as the author points out, disliking a film doesn’t necessarily make it an invalid experience. Still, it is a subjective process, but keeping that in mind helps a lot (after all, is it even possible to be completely objective?). Regardless, I think I may be revisiting some of my reviews in the future…