Sorry, I just got home from work. Long day. In lieu of a proper entry, I shall simply link to the next round of the Movie Screenshot Game. Go forth and post yon answers.
Update: Dave has posted the next round.
Another Update: Roy wins. He’ll be posting the next round at one of his 300 blogs, possibly one created just for this occassion. Just kidding:P It’ll probably be at 79 Soul.
Yet Another Update: Roy has posted the next round.
One More Update: Another round is up over at 79 Soul
Just for that, maybe I *should* make up a new blog.
It should be up on 79soul later today.
Heh, actually, having niche blogs like your feminist blog and your pizzablog will probably get you more attention, provided that you can keep updating with quality content on them. I think this is part of why Kaedrin hasn’t really caught on – I keep ping-ponging from movies to books to technology to culture to anime back to movies, etc… In the past, I blogged a lot about politics, though not so much before. But whatever, I like my blog the way it is.
Next round has been updated on this post and the master post:)