Things seen on the internets:
- Tractor Hacking: The Farmers Breaking Big Tech’s Repair Monopoly – There’s a community of farmers who trade John Deere firmware hacks… just so they can perform basic maintenance and repairs. Fascinating mini-documentary.
- Someone Put a Statue of Jason Voorhees in a Minnesota Lake For Divers to Stumble Across – It’s been there for a few years and isn’t doing so well, so clearly not the real Jason.
- Groundhog’s Day Fan Theory – Yeah, fan theories are generally boring, but this is a pretty funny one: “Ned Ryerson is the devil, and he imprisons Phil Conners in the time loop when Phil refuses to purchase Ned’s insurance. The only way Phil escapes is by finally agreeing to buy it.”
- The existential chatroom app you can only use when your phone is dying – It’s called Die With Me, and it only works when your battery has a 5% or lower charge. Sounds cool, but I’m not willing to let my phone get that low.
- How is this speedrun possible? Super Mario Bros. World Record Explained – Extremely detailed dissection of the record holding SMB speed run, which shaved 4 frames off the previous record. It’s like in the Olympics and some annoying commentator says “ohhh, that’s going to cost him a point” or something,
but this time it’s frames. Then again, at least it’s measurable.
- Wolfenstein 3D but you just pet dogs – Clever…
- This is terrifying – It’s like Mirror’s Edge, but in real life?
- How I Cracked Facebook’s New Algorithm And Tortured My Friends – One of the more innocuous takes on the matter.
- Hi, welcome to Chilis – Genius.
That’s all for now…