It’s that time again, here are some interesting things I’ve seen on teh internets recently:
- Leeroy Jenkins: Reimagined as a Short Film – This is actually pretty awesome. Someone took the Leeroy Jenkins clip and did a live-action remake in the form of a botched heist short film. Not sure if it captures the true amazingness of the original Leeroy Jenkins clip, but it’s still worthwhile in its own right.
- Super Powers – Silly little video of a man using his “super” powers to torment a random passer by. Funny.
- Drunk Florida Man Tries to Use Taco as ID After His Car Catches Fire at Taco Bell – Really just for the headline alone. I mean, look at that thing. Sheer brilliance.
- Darth Vader In A Kilt On A Unicycle Playing Bagpipes – From the idontknowwhatthefuckisgoingoninthisvideo tag archives of my delicious bookmarks. Though I must say, the title does provide an accurate description of what’s going on in the video…
- PKD in OC – Gregory Beneford has some remembrances of Phillip K. Dick that are pretty awesome:
I met Philip K. Dick in 1964, and it struck me how funny he was. I had just read The Man in the High Castle, and expected a rather dour sort. He had a way of comically falling out of a chair. At dinner he smoked a cigar and ate spaghetti simultaneously.
That’s all for now…