Today marks the first blogiversary of IMAO, and since I do not want to be known as an enemy to IMAO (nor do I wish to be destroyed), I am linking to his uh… much anticipated… One Year Blogography. I’m a little short on the presents and offerings that Frank has demanded; I can only heap praise upon his brilliantly funny “In My World” posts, which have the unique distiction of being universally entertaining (as he notes in another blogiversary post: ” I receive very little hate mail. I’ve often seen liberals link to my posts saying, ‘Hey, look at this great Rumsfeld bashing.'”). Also, whenever his stories feature Bush, I picture the lines being delivered by Will Ferrell’s Bush (which I miss dearly – that new guy stinks). Seriously, every time I stop by IMAO, I laugh out loud, garnering some strange looks if I’m at work.
Incidentally, the Kaedrin Weblog will be celebrating 3 years of bloggy goodness this coming Monday. Yes, 3 whole years, and I can’t even claim a meteoric rise to fame. Given my generosity today, if I don’t end up on Frank’s Links of the Day list that day, there will be hell to pay. You hear me Frank? I’m just itching for a reason to test out the .50 AE Desert Eagle in a combat situation. Don’t tempt me… (Heh, j/k of course)
Hola…i saw that we had the same b’day on the ageless project and just wanted to stop by…
Hallo! Welcome, fellow b’dayer! Hope you enjoyed your stay…