For the latest installment of the James Bond series of films, Pierce Brosnan’s people are apparently so swamped with interview requests that they actually allowed an interview with The Facer. I never heard of The Facer before, but… let’s just say the interview was somewhat less traditional than Mr. Brosnan is used to. An excerpt:
FACER: Vin Diesel is what I call a “bondawannabee.” At least based on his movie XXX. Did you see it?
BROSNAN: I just did, yes. Very exciting. Not Bond, though.
FACER: I know. The guy’s as suave as a rectal exam. But he is hunky. Would you date him?
FACER: Vin Diesel. I mean, if you were a woman. Women love men who are named after fossil fuel products. Indicates a certain dynamic flammability, I think.
BROSNAN: (silence)
FACER: This is pretty agonizing for you, isn’t it?
BROSNAN: Well, it’s not the worst interview I’ve had.
Like I said, its not quite traditional. The discussion of innuendo in Bond girls’ names is absolutely hilarious (I’ll give you a taste: “Daisy Throatwash”). Also, Brosnan is apparently a pretty damn good sport.