Pizza Boy brewing cohabitates with Al’s of Hampden (an actual pizza joint), which I tend to think of as basically the same operation, though I guess distinctions need to be made. I’m sure there’s some nerdy, pencil-pushing reason for such distinctions, but whatever. Enter Intangible Ales. Brewed at the same location. Using the same equipment. By the same brewer. Wait, why is this a separate brand now? What are you central PA people getting up to over there? And while we’re at it, this beer is technically called FuTuRe PRiMiTiVe – what do you have against vowels and normal capitalization? What is going on? GET OFF OF MY LAWN!
Ahem. Near as I can tell, Intangible Ales is a collaboration between Pizza Boy head brewer Terry Hawbaker (formerly of PA stalwarts like Bullfrog and Farmer’s Cabinet) and local photographer extraordinaire Kristen Mullen. Still not sure why it’s a distinct brand, but Mullen’s photography certainly makes for some cool labels (and the beer ain’t bad either!):
Intangible Ales Future Primitive – Pours a hazy yellow color with a finger or two of white, fluffy head with great retention. Smell has some musty funk, hints of the barnyard, but also a very nice fruity aroma, bananas and pineapple, and just a hint of yeasty spice in the background. Taste starts off like a typical sweet and spicy saison of the Dupont mold, but then the funky Brett character kicks in about midway through the taste, bringing some earthy barnyard character and a little fruitiness, finishing off with a dry bitterness. Mouthfeel is highly carbonated, effervescent, light, crisp, and very dry. Overall, this is a rock solid funky saison. It’s not in the Logsdon level God tier saison realm, but it’s a very nice beer nonetheless. B+
Beer Nerd Details: 7.2% bottled (750 ml caged and corked). Drank out of a flute glass on 4/24/15. Batch #1. Bottle #265/2700.
Pizza Boy continues to impress, even when it’s an alternate label like this. I should really explore more of their stuff, and will probably do so soon enough. Stay tuned.