“West Shore IPA” is not some sort of mutated take on “West Coast IPA”, it’s actually a reference to the Western shore of the Susquehana river near Harrisburg, PA, where Pizza Boy Brewing is located. Of course, depending on how you define the hallowed West Coast IPA (and let’s not get into that Holy War right now), this is also a decent take on the style. As such, it appears to be Pizza Boy’s flagship beer, such that when opportunities for bottling and distribution came about, this was one of the first brews packaged. And indeed, it’s a pretty standard take on the style, well worth checking out:
Pizza Boy West Shore IPA – Pours a standard golden orange color with a finger of white head that leaves some lacing as I drink. Smells of citrus hops, grapefruit, a hint of pine in the background. Taste starts sweet with a very nice citrus and hefty pine hop character, yielding to a dry, bitter finish. Mouthfeel is well carbonated, on the lower end of medium bodied, and dry. Overall, a very nice, if a bit typical, take on an IPA. B+
Beer Nerd Details: 6.5% ABV bottled (22 ounce bomber). Drank out of a tulip glass on 11/28/14.
This is pretty emblematic of all the stuff I’ve had from Pizza Boy – really solid and well worth trying. I need to get out there someday and sample their sours, which seem to have a pretty good reputation. Until then, I’ll just have to make due with their distributed offerings!