Wilco Tango Foxtrot? Ah, I see what they did there:
Lagunitas Wilco Tango Foxtrot – Pours a very nice looking clear dark brown color with beautiful amber highlights and a finger of light head. Smells sweet, with some fruity hop character and some malty notes, maybe even a hint of roastiness. The taste is more malt than the nose would lead you to believe, very much like a brown ale (Beer Advocate calls it an American Strong Ale though), light caramel and some minor roastiness, but the hops are clearly there too. Mouthfeel is medium to full bodied with ample carbonation. Overall, very solid beer, well worth trying. B
Beer Nerd Details: 7.83% ABV bottled (22 oz. bomber). Drank out of a snifter on 4/7/12.
Despite not being a huge brown ale kinda guy, Lagunitas continues to impress, and thus I continue to explore their catalog.
PS – In other news, my commenting system was torpedoed by my host’s new security measures, but has since been restored. Sorry for any inconvenience, and thanks to those who alerted me to the issue. I assure you the person or persons responsible will be sacked. Good day.
PPS – My readers (all 4 of you) are an astute bunch, so I’m sure you’ve noticed that my Wednesday entries tend to be rather sparse. This is generally because I spend time writing for my other blog on Wednesdays, so time is limited. I don’t know how long I’ll keep up this 4-5 entries a week schedule here, but while I don’t see any end in sight, I also assume things will slow down a bit at some point. Thems the breaks, I guess.