When my beer mule texted me from Three Floydia (that’s where the brewery is, right?) and asked me if I wanted a bottle of Apocalypse Cow, I had several thoughts. First, I responded asking her to purchase as much as she could fit in her car, and that I’d reimburse her with Vermont beer (as you can tell from recent posting, she fully complied and is, in fact, the bestest evar). Second, I kinda assumed this would be a milk stout (what with that “Cow” in the name), something akin to Moloko. Then I looked it up and hmm, an 11% ABV IPA? Well ok. It turns out that I wasn’t that far off the mark, as this is an IPA brewed with a lactose addition. An unusual choice, considering that most 11% ABV beers don’t particularly need any additional unfermentable sugars in the mix, but on the other hand, the added sweetness and velvety mouthfeel allow for moar hops. This is actually the first time I’d even heard of lactose in anything other than a stout, so I guess we’re in for an interesting experiment.
It works better than you might think. Now, why there’s a very angry, cyclopic cow on the label is a bit of a mystery, but then, Three Floyds isn’t exactly known for sensible label artwork. At least in this case, the artwork is very well done. Alrighty then, I think that’s enough babbling. You can either surf, or you can fight! Or, um, drink. Colonel Kilgore seems like a guy who’d enjoy beer.
Three Floyds Apocalypse Cow – Pours a deep, dark orange color with a finger of off white head that leaves lacing as I drink. Smells enormously dank, piney and resinous, with some citrus and almost spicy hop notes playing along as well. The taste is very sweet, with that dank pine and resin kicking in quickly, leaving the juicy citrus notes and spicey hops towards the finish, which has just enough bitterness to balance out the sweetness. Mouthfeel is almost full bodied, but smooth and creamy (that lactose in action), with enough carbonation to cut through it all, though it does feel a bit sticky in the finish. While it certainly feels like a strong beer, the alcohol is reasonably well hidden… The full 22 ounces is a bit much, so perhaps it’s a good one to share. Overall, this is a very interesting beer, and I haven’t really had anything quite like it. B+
Beer Nerd Details: 11% ABV bottled (22 oz. bomber). Drank out of a snifter on 9/6/14.
My Three Floyds supply is slowly but surely dwindling. But don’t worry your pretty ears (ears? What’s wrong with me?), there’s plenty more to come.
This blows my mind. Why have we never seen this before? Any tactic to create moar hop headroom seems like it would have been exploited long ago in the hops arms race. Actually, I feel like the Haybag, who prefers her IPAs on the sweet and fuller side, would like this alots.
It is pretty darn sweet and quite good, though not quite Zombie Dust or Dreadnaught good…