In Scottish folklore, the Wulver is a kind of werewolf, but not the kind you’re familiar with. Wulvers are not tortured human souls, cursed to yield to the beast within on the full moon. Nor do they have, like, a bazillion abs and fall in love with a passive girl who’s knocking boots with a vampire. Not that I’d know anything about that. In fact, Wulvers aren’t even human; they’re merely a human-like creature with a wolf’s head, and they’re not known to be particularly aggressive… unless provoked. Wikipedia sez: “He didn’t molest folk if folk didn’t molest him.” Uh huh, interesting choice of words. Anywho, it also sez Wulvers are fond of fishing, and perhaps they’d drink a beer like this one whilst kicking back. That’s a blind speculation on my part, but it’s a wee heavy style beer aged in bourbon barrels for 11 months, and who wouldn’t want to sip on one of those whilst fishing in Scottland? Ok, fine, perhaps the Wulver would molest the bottle. There, you happy? No? Fine, then just look at the pretty picture:
Thirsty Dog Wulver – Pours a dark brown color with a finger of tan head that has pretty good retention. Smells deeply of bourbon and oak, some caramel, maybe even something smoky, and huge, sweeping vanilla aromas too. Taste starts with rich caramel, a hint of dark and/or smoky malts (very subtle smoke, if it’s there) yielding to that bourbon barrel treatment and those big vanilla notes towards the finish. Maybe a bit of dark fruit as it warms up, and a bit of pleasant booze too. Mouthfeel is perfect, well carbonated but silky smooth, rich and almost creamy. Overall, yep, this is a winner for sure. A-
Beer Nerd Details: 12% ABV bottled (12 oz.) Drank out of a snifter on 1/11/13.
The label sez they made this beer specifically to be aged in Bourbon barrels, and I do believe they’ve succeeded in that task. Now I’m going to have to keep an eye out for that BA Siberian Night, though wonder of wonders, Wulver seems to be the more highly praised of the two (normally the Imperial Stout is the more popular offering).