Saint Arnold’s Divine Reserve series is a different beer every year, usually a “big” one. That, my friends, is what she said. (Well, this post devolved quickly.) This year, it’s an 11% Belgian style Quadrupel. From what I can tell, it’s got a pretty limited release and people line up to buy the stuff, so big thanks to my BIF partner for getting a hold of some of a bottle for me. Let’s not waste any more time:
Saint Arnold Divine Reserve #13 – Pours a deep dark brown color with amber highlights and a little less than a finger of light tan head. Smells of Belgian yeast, lots of fruity esters and a little less in the way of spice. Maybe some brown sugar or molasses going on too, and a hint of darker malts (but not quite roast). Taste is nice and sweet up front, not quite as fruity as the nose would have you believe, more of a bready character, actually kinda like toast. Maybe even a sorta nutty flavor too. Hints of booze in the finish. As it warms, dark fruits come out more, plums and raisins. Lots of complexity, that’s for sure. Mouthfeel is well carbonated, but very smooth. A little boozy warming in the belly going on here, but it doesn’t feel like a monster either. Not really dry, but attenuated enough. Overall, this is a very nice, complex, flavorful beer. B+
Beer Nerd Details: 11% ABV bottled (12 oz.) Drank out of a tulip glass on 6/22/13. Bottled 022713.
Another solid offering from Saint Arnold, a brewery I’ll have to keep an eye out for next time I’m in Texas…