Saint Arnold Endeavour IPA

Houston’s Saint Arnold brewery has been on my radar for a while, but I missed out on them during my last trip to Texas. Fortunately, that BIF brought me a couple of their brews, including this one. Once an entry in Saint Arnold’s Divine Reserve series (limited one-offs released once or twice a year), it was so popular they turned it into a year round brew.

Saint Arnold himself is the patron saint of brewers, famous for a story similar to the Marriage at Cana where Jesus turned water into wine, except Arnold took trace amounts of beer and multiplied it for starving parishioners who were running low on supplies. No one describes what that beer tasted like, but let’s pretend it was a DIPA like this one:

Saint Arnold Endeavour IPA

Saint Arnold Endeavour IPA – Pours a dark golden orange color with a finger of white head that leaves some lacing as I drink. Smells a little on the dank side, lots of pine and resin, but a nice juicy citrus component hanging around too. Taste has slightly more citrus, an almost peach note, but is still very focused on pine and resin (not that that is a bad thing!) Sweet up front, some creamy crystal malt here, with the hop bitterness kicking in towards the finish and lasting through the aftertaste. Mouthfeel is medium bodied, very smooth, almost creamy, tight carbonation, sweet and a little sticky, but not cloying. Overall, above average DIPA, just barely missing the world-beater level. B+

Beer Nerd Details: 8.9% ABV bottled (22 oz. bomber). Drank out of a tulip glass on 5/17/13. Bottled 2/13/13.

I’ve also got me some Saint Arnold Divine Reserve 13, a quadrupel that I’m quite looking forward to. In the meantime, I’ve got some reviews of a couple barrel aged brews coming up. Stay tuned.

1 thought on “Saint Arnold Endeavour IPA”

  1. I liked this one a lot. Had a friend bring me a bottle from Houston last year. Sure wish I could find some up here.


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