Clown Shoes Lubrication

My brother gave me three beers for Christmas, all of which were picked out by my nieces (9 and 7 years old). I’ve already mentioned the other two on the blog a while back, but this one looked familiar. I couldn’t quite place why I recognized it, but I finally figured it out. Apparently this beer’s label art caused quite a weird stir last summer when the Beer Advocate Events Director, Candice Alström, who found the label offensive. I don’t want to get into the details (check the linked article above for that), but I find that claim for this particular label to be absurd (other Clown Shoes beers may be another matter, but there are many labels out there that are horribly sexist, so perhaps a more comprehensive tact would be more appropriate).

In any case, my nieces thought the robot on the label was goofy, which reminded them of me (I’m apparently known in my brother’s household as “Crazy Uncle Marky”). I was touched and honored by their choice:

Clown Shoes Lubrication

Clown Shoes Lubrication – Pours a deep black color with a ton of tan head. Aroma is filled with roasted malts and bready yeast, with maybe a hint of hop character (I was expecting more, though with all that head, who knows?) The first thing that hits in the taste is that roasted malt with maybe a little coffee. The flavor intensifies through the middle and finishes bitter and dry. There’s hop bitterness here, but very little hop flavor. It’s well carbonated but surprisingly light bodied (maybe into medium bodied). Overall, I feel like it’s unbalanced and a little disappointing, though to be fair, that tends to be my feeling on the style in general (the only American Black Ale/Black IPA that I’ve thought was a real success was Stone’s Sublimely Self-Righteous Ale. Otherwise, I’m usually left wanting a good stout or a good IPA.) Certainly not a bad beer and I’d rather have this than, say, a macro beer, but I was hoping for a bit more… B-

Beer Nerd Details: 6% ABV bottled (22 oz. bomber) Drank out of a tulip glass on 2/3/12.

I don’t really see myself racing out to explore more from Clown Shoes, but I did appreciate the gift.

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