“Nut.” Tee hee.
In all seriousness, does anyone else really hate the foil wrapping stuff that comes on these beers? Sure, it looks nice and I’ve apparently been conditioned to buy fancily packaged beer (fucking Pavlov), but most fancy packaging is pretty easily dealt with. Not the fancy foil wrapping that’s on Sam Smith’s beers, though. Seriously, the entire surface area of that foil is seemingly superglued to the bottle, which means you have to pick and snip at it with various kitchen utensils, which just causes the brittle foil to flake into this annoying glitter-like substance that gets everywhere. And even once you cut around the cap enough that you can use a bottle opener, you have to worry about how you pour the beer and will it touch the glue and will those glittery flakes become airborne and land in my beer and give me cancer and stuff? No? Just me? Oh. Well then. Carry on.
Samuel Smith’s Nut Brown Ale – The bottle was a bit of a gusher (tee hee) when I opened it, but not excessively so, and it settled down quickly enough. Pours a very pretty, clear dark brown color with a finger of tan head. It looks very dark, but when held up to the light, I can see right through it. Smells on the roasty side of things. The taste also features that roast, along with some more complex notes. Either I’m a sucker for the power of suggestion or this is a nut brown beer that actually features nutty aromas and flavors. Indeed, it’s probably the most prominent characteristic of the taste. The mouthfeel is quite nice as well. Medium bodied and eminently quaffable. Brown ales are not among my favorite styles, but this may be the best I’ve ever had. A-
Beer Nerd Details: 5% ABV bottled (12 oz). Drank from a gigantic mug on 8/28/11.
You know, I’ve only had two of Samuel Smith’s beers, but they’ve both been pretty damn good. Not face melting experimental beers, just really solid takes on classic styles. But then, you know, fancy foil wrapping…