The Easter season is typically time for German Doppelbocks, all of which are named with an “or” suffix (i.e. Salvator, Celebrator, etc…), but emerging local favorite Neshaminy Creek broke with tradition by making their Easter beer a Weizenbock, but giving it the traditional “or” suffix anyway. As a lifelong fan of the original Terminator movie (and someone who laments most of what followed, even including the generally well received T2), I figured I had to check out the bottle with the clear homage to a T-800 foot crushing a human skull. Also, despite the fact that I haven’t had a ton of weizenbocks, I do generally enjoy them quite a bit. So come with me, if you want to live:
Neshaminy Creek Neshaminator – Pours a dark amber brown color with a finger of tan head. Smells of typical weizen yeast clove, but with a huge candied citrus character, orange, honey, it’s complex and sweet. Taste starts off with a more typical weizenbock note, very sweet and spicy, a hint of dark, rich malt, hint of molasses, some more fruity esters emerge towards the finish, along with what I assume is that honey. Mouthfeel is highly carbonated, medium bodied, with a touch of richness but also relatively dry (no real stickiness at all, and this is exactly what I look for from the style). Overall, it’s a rock solid take on the style, with a slight twist that matches well enough. B+
Beer Nerd Details: 8.5% ABV bottled (22 ounce bomber). Drank out of a flute glass on 4/10/15.
Neshaminy Creek continues to grow in Kaedrin’s local mindshare. I will continue to explore their offerings, and am quite looking forward to the upcoming Rum barrel aged version of this beer. Let’s just say that I’ll be bock. Get it? GET IT? Also Genisys looks absolutely terrible in the best way and I can’t wait to watch it. I mean, it’s going to be terrible and not deserving of comparison with the original, but it feels like it will be ironically fun in a so bad it’s good kinda way.