Television show pitch: A police procedural about a tiny, 3 inch tall (you might even call him “petite”) French-Canadian detective named Mort. He uses his diminutive size to spy on unsuspecting criminals and has an amazing success rate. His partner is a talking Chihuahua named Nacho who is only slightly taller than Mort and in the pilot episode, he’s only three days away from retirement. Of course, that means that… Woops, as I was typing this, the NSA was analyzing it on behalf of CBS, who has just offered to buy the rights for the “La Petite Mort” show for $3 million. Those guys sure love their police procedurals. So you’re going to have to wait and see what happens to Nacho in the pilot episode.
So I’m rich now. I’ll see you later, suckers. In the meantime, check out the tie-in beer (eat your heart out, Ommegang), already made by Wisconsin’s own Central Waters (in collaboration with the awesome sounding Chicago bar Local Option). It’s a bourbon-barrel-aged, Belgian-inspired Weissenbock. And I thought my stupid pitch was weird:
Central Waters Local Option Bourbon Barrel Aged La Petite Mort – Pours a deep, dark brown color with a finger of off white had. Not getting a lot out of the nose. Hints of bready yeast, fruit, and bourbon. As it warms, the nose opens up a bit. Taste has lots of caramelized sugars, maybe even some bready toastiness, an almost nutty flavor too, hints of fruit, with that bourbon and oak coming through towards the finish. Mouthfeeel is well carbonated, medium to full bodied, but only a hint of richness from the bourbon barrel. Relatively dry, which doesn’t usually work well with bourbon, but the balance is on point here, so nothing is overpowering. Overall, this is good, really good, and a really nice change of pace too. It grew on my as I drank, too, which is always nice. Solid B+ material.
Beer Nerd Details: 9.05% ABV bottled (22 oz. bomber). Drank out of a tulip glass on 6/7/13. Vintage 2013.
Central Waters is a brewery I should probably check out more often. Nothing in the immediate pipeline, but their stuff seems available enough around here that I’ll certainly pick some up at some point.