Those who have attempted to leave a comment recently have no doubt found themselves facing a rather ugly error page despite the fact that the comment actually went through and was being displayed properly on the site. Sorry about that. In the short term, I’ve tried to make that error page a little more friendly so that you know what’s what.
This has been a problem I’ve been running into lately and is probably the result of my host attempting to deal with the massive throngs of spam comments that were attempted on this site (and on my generalist blog) a while back. It’s a 504 error, which is apparently something of a scripting timeout, and yeah, I know, you don’t care.
So to make a long story short, if you submit a comment here, it should work, even if you get a weird page with an error on it. Also, I know it’s annoying to have to log in with your Google or WordPress (or whatever) account to leave a comment, but you can blame that one on the spammers too. I understand this is all a confusing state of affairs, and I assure you the appropriate person or persons responsible will be sacked. Unless that person is me, in which case, you’re fucked because I’m pretty lazy about this stuff. I mean, come on, this beer isn’t going to drink/review itself, amiright?
Update: Playing around with some Module Caching settings. You may see some funkiness on the site. If something seems wrong, I suggest panic.