Not quite Belgian Beer Roulette, as I’ve had St. Feuillien’s Saison before (a solid beer, that), but I wasn’t really sure what to expect from this either.
St. Feuillien Cuvée De Noël – Pours a medium dark brown color with a couple fingers of tightly knitted off-white head. Aroma is full of raisins and Belgian yeast spice. Taste is extremely sweet up front, with some Belgian yeast spiciness and those raisins coming in full force in the middle. The finish surprisingly dry for such a sweet beer (not super dry, but much moreso than I would have expected from the initial taste…) Mouthfeel is medium to full bodied with lots of carbonation and a slight warming character due to the alcohol. Overall, a nice beer, but perhaps just a bit too sweet. B
Beer Nerd Details: 9% ABV bottled (11.2 oz.) Drank out of a tulip glass on 11/26/11.
Certainly not at the top of my Holiday beer list, but I’m glad I tried it…