Well, what have we here? Another annual Christmas Ale with a recipe and label unique to that year? Well, don’t mind if I do:
Sly Fox 2011 Christmas Ale – Pours a dark brownish red color with tons of billowy head. The smell is filled with spices (clove and ginger with a hint of cinnamon/nutmeg) and bready aromas. The taste starts with a carbonated bang, with the spices emerging quickly and some other flavors coming out a bit as the beer warms. But that mouthfeel is quite aggressive – carbonation is through the roof in the beginning, though it quickly smooths out in the relatively dry finish. If it weren’t for the carbonation, I’d say this was a light to medium bodied beer, but the initial rush really does kick it up a notch. Not a revelation, but quite intriguing (and better than last year’s variety, if I remember correctly)… B+
Beer Nerd Details: 6.5% ABV bottled (750 ml caged and corked). Drank out of a tulip glass on 12/9/11.
Seriously, this is like, what, the 4th Christmas beer I’ve had this year that is vintage dated with a new recipe every year? Not that I’m complaining (I actually rather like the switchups, though I could really go for a bottle of 3 French Hens right about now and that probably ain’t gonna happen), but I did find it funny. My holiday beers this year have also skewed towards the winter warmery style, while last year was more of a Belgian Strong Dark affair. Well, I’ve got a few more posts in the pipeline and long weekend’s worth a drinking ahead of me, so there’s plenty of room for variety…