It’s summer! On a recent beer run, I stocked up on various wheat beers and whatnot, and when I saw this particular beer, I was intrigued. Most wheat beers tend to be relatively light, crisp and refreshing. As such, they tend to be somewhat low in alcohol and a little thin in terms of body (but, you know, in a good way). So the concept of a souped-up Belgian-style wit beer sounded intriguing to me.
Great Divide Double Wit – Pours a cloudy gold color with a finger of bubbly white head. Aroma is fruity and spicy. It’s definitely a unique aroma, not like anything I can think of, though there similarities. The taste starts off very sweet and bready, with some spiciness thrown in there (apparently coriander and orange peel). There’s some fruitiness apparent as well, but I can’t quite pick out the specific flavors. The finish is just a bit sticky with booze – the alcohol is noticeable and makes for something of a weird aftertaste. The body is strange. It seems to start out full bodied, but then it thins considerably by the finish. This is something I associate with wheat beers, but it’s not usually this prominent (no doubt a result of the high alcohol) and it doesn’t entirely work. I can’t quite decide how much I like it. It’s certainly an interesting brew, but it’s poorly balanced and definitely not one of my favorites. I’ll give it a B-.
Beer Nerd Details: 8.1% ABV bottled (22 oz bomber). Drank out of a tulip glass on 6/10/11.
Strangely, Great Divide has nothing about this beer on their website. Also, I have no idea why there is a two headed… monster? Kid? on the label (presumably a play on the “double” nature of the beer, but still), and yet, I rather like it and want to watch a movie documenting its rampaging exploits. Unfortunately, you can’t drink labels.