During my recent trip to Austin, I actually stopped at a grocery store to pick up a couple of beers to smuggle back home. I’ve never done this before, so I was a little worried about confiscation or broken bottles. So I put the bottles in ziploc bags, wrapped them in clothing and made sure they were in the middle of my bag. Fortunately, it all worked out in the end, and I got me some Texas beer:
Jester King Wytchmaker Rye IPA – Jester King is a pretty small brewery based in Austin, TX, but they’ve been making a name for themselves with their big imperial stout and some barrel-aged offerings (and bitchin’ label designs). They’ve also been in the news lately for trying to fight Texas’ asinine beer laws (ever see a sentence on a lager that says “ale in TX”? That’s because Texas law requires brewers to call lagers above 4% ABV an ale – i.e. Texas law requires brewers to lie about their beer. And that’s just one example.) This beer is a relatively straightforward beer, except for the inclusion of Rye in the recipe. I’ve had a few beers with Rye, but I can’t say as though I have a really good palate for picking it out. Nevertheless, I enjoyed this beer muchly…
Pours a very pretty dark amberish orange color with tons of slowly disappearing head (seriously, took forever for it to go away) that leaves copious lacing as I drink. Smell is filled with sugary sweet hoppy aromas. Typical citrus and pine here, but also something else, perhaps that rye? Taste starts sweet, with a nice, well balanced bitterness coming in towards the finish. Not quite refreshing, but it’s not extreme either. Mouthfeel is extremely smooth and compulsively drinkable. Overall, a really nice IPA with well matched flavors. B+
Beer Nerd Details: 6.8% ABV bottled (750 ml capped). Drank out of a tulip glass on 10/22/11. Hops: Warrior, Cascade, Centennial, Amarillo, Simcoe. O.G.: 1.062.
Certainly a good first impression and a favorable rating amongst the various Texas breweries I became acquainted with during my vacation. Here’s to hoping they get distribution up here in PA someday. Hey, Jester King? We have horrible beer laws too! You should send beer up here so that we can commiserate together…