Greetings compatriots! While I am surely insane, I am not stupid. I do spend an eggregious amount of time and effort updating this website to provide everyone with some free online content. But I'd be a fool not to leave the option open, so here are some small ways to help the Kaedrin out:
- email The easiest way to make me happy is to simply drop me a line and say "hi". If you have any feedback or suggestions, I would love to hear them. Heck, even posting a comment on the blog or on the forum would make me happy.
- Associate: While navigating the site, you may notice a number of links to Amazon's pages for various books, movies, and CDs. If you happen to click on one of those links and buy something from Amazon, I get a small but fun percentage of the sale. Click the button below to go to Amazon...
- Buy Kaedrin Stuff! : Right now there is a t-shirt, a long sleeve t-shirt, a coffee mug, and a mouse pad for sale. All items feature the simple and elegant Kaedrin logo (seen in the upper left corner of the site). There are future plans to create more interesting designs, but I'm keeping it simple for now.
- Donate Money: The most blatant option - simply give me some money! Those fine folks at Amazon make it relatively quick and easy to donate some buckage to the Kaedrin cause. Just click below. Honor System