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The Keep
by F. Paul Wilson

Overall: 9
Readability: 9
Intelligence: 8

Thats right, this sucker's back in print! Get your hands on a copy while you can! Something is murdering the Nazi troops stationed in a remote castle high in the Transylvanian alps. An SS Extermination squad is sent to investigate and the battle begins. This is one of the few books that has actually scared me while I was reading it. Wilson has a fine style that is tremendously effective in his descriptions of characters and scenery. His treatment of the way in which a malevolent darkness envelops its victims is particularly effective, creating a truly chilling feeling. The setting of the novel, a strange castle with mysterious crosses embedded in all the walls, is also captivatingly eerie. A real page turner and a classic good versus evil tale that is truly fearful.

Links: Buy it here!

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