Introduction Getting Started
Story Name and Info
Phone Calls
Status: Active
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The lazy Matt is awakened by a series of cryptic and shocking phone calls. Who is making the calls? What do they reveal? You decide!
The Rebel Fire Alarms
Status: Closed
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Closing Remarks
A menacing presence has invaded the Hickville University campus with only a small band of misfits to stop it. Malfunctioning fire alarms are only the tip of the iceberg as our heroes quickly find out that there is much more at stake than just Hickville U. Hijinks ensue.

Ghost Town
Tandem story inspired by the Dark Tower series of novels by Stephen King and the Phantasm movies! It was originally one story which suffered a simultaneous collision of entries. This forced the story into two versions, but a while later both stories converged back into one!
Ghost Town
version 1

Status: Closed into Part 2
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The first part of the split story. It eventually converges with version 2 and will continue in part two (at the bottom).
Ghost Town
version 2

Status: Closed into Part 2
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This story has the same beginning as Ghost Town version 1, but all subsequent paragraphs are different. This resulted from a simultaneous collision of entries.
Ghost Town
Part 2: Re-assembled

Status: Active
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This story has combined the two previous versions of Ghost Town back into 1 story (much like the way it happened in the Dark Tower!).

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Copyright © 1999 by Mark Ciocco.
No part of this page may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without permission.